How A Robot Can Detect Quality In Your Product And Save You Millions
A robot can be trained to recognize a quality product among many similar units. High-end products, such as phones or computers, are typically made abroad in factories with large workforces. Defective products often make their way into stores, but they are usually detected by shoppers and returned or exchanged.
Consumers may even opt to buy brand new models to avoid possible defects, thus costing companies millions of dollars. In order to combat this problem, innovative scientists have developed a method that enables robots to detect quality issues with your products. They will place the object on a turntable, which spins it around in front of a light sensor and a camera. These images are then fed into an artificial neural network which determines if the product is defective or not. Here are some of the ways that this
Robots Can Recognize Quality
A robot can be trained to recognize a quality product among many similar units. For example, if you have a video of thousands of different shoes and want to train your robot to detect which shoes are the highest quality and which are not, you would use machine learning.
If you have products in thousands of boxes on a warehouse floor, or even just 10 or 15 boxes, how do you know which ones contain the best products? You could hire someone to pick up each box one at a time and inspect each shoe inside, but that’s extremely expensive and time-consuming. Instead, use machine learning algorithms that analyze the contents of each box without touching them at all. This technology can be used to save your company millions of dollars.
High-End Products are Mass Produced
High-end products, such as phones or computers, are typically made abroad in factories with large workforces. These factories have to be trusted because they have the power to make or break a company. High-end products are expensive and therefore the risk is great if the product fails due to poor quality control.
Large workforces cost a lot of money and can lead to financial troubles for companies that take on too much debt or fail to get enough profit. Large workforces may not be able to supply your company with an adequate amount of goods in time for shipping deadlines without sacrificing quality control standards or cutting corners on production processes like testing for quality assurance purposes before shipping goods out. This practice can be disastrous.
Robotics Improves Manufacturing Safety
The use of robots by companies like Sarcos Robotics is transforming the industry. Robots are used in dangerous situations instead of people and can be used much more quickly to produce products. They can be used not only to improve quality but also to protect people. In situations where lifting heavy items is too dangerous for an individual, robotic suits help fill in the gap. Or remote controlled robots can be used instead.
Reduce the Number of Defective Products Using Robotics
Defective products often make their way into stores, but they are usually detected by shoppers and returned or exchanged. The cost of defective products to the company, the effects of a decrease in consumer confidence, environmental costs, and even the impact on the local economy and government can be enormous. Using robots, AI, and other technologies to find defective products can easily pull them off the line before they are ever shipped out. This impact will end up saving a company millions in all the associated costs.
A robot can detect quality issues in your product, which means that you won’t have to service or repair any defects, take back or exchange defective units sold to consumers, or deal with angry customers who purchased a defective unit and will not buy anything from you again. The ripple effect of using robots is incredible.
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
Artificial intelligence technology can help maintain high-quality standards for consumer goods at large manufacturing facilities. At the core of this technology, artificial intelligence algorithms can detect quality issues with your products and determine if they are defective. This is accomplished by analyzing data from millions of images that have been tagged by humans. The robot is then able to apply these same tags to new images so it can accurately identify what’s wrong with a product. If a product has a cracked screen or broken charger port, this can be noticed immediately, well before it ever lands in a consumer’s hands.
Using robotics and automation in your manufacturing process are just some ways to increase efficiency and save on labor costs. For more ways you can save on labor costs and also maintain safety, please see the tips below.
Provided by Atlantic Pacific Equipment – providing scaffolding services for your business
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