The Huge Cost of Bad Hires — And How to Stop It

A company is only as good as its employees and the reverse is equally as true. One bad hire can cost a company serious time, money and resources. If your company earns the reputation of being a revolving door of new hires and fires, your chances of attracting talented job candidates will be greatly reduced.

So, what can you do to keep your business from making mistakes in the hiring process? Be sure to write accurate, detailed and exciting job descriptions to attract motivated and skilled candidates. Train all personnel that are a part of the hiring process. This will help everyone be on the same page when vetting a potential hire. Remember, a potential hire should fit not only in the role but also in your company’s culture and workplace. Background checks are also important and is not an area to skimp out on.

For more on the costs of a bad hire and how to create a standardized hiring process that can save you time, energy and money, check out the resource below.

What Are Bad Hires Really Costing Your Business? from Torch Group, a C-level Recruiting Firm

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